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Powder Jacket
Powder Jacket
(DE, EU abweichend)
Yarn package for the Powder Jacket from cozyknits.
The PowderJacket from cozyknits is a short jacket with a double stand-up collar.
You knit it double-threaded with Double Sunday and Tynn Silk Mohair from Sandnes Garn - from bottom to top in English rib pattern.
The practical snap fasteners are super easy to use. A really nice jacket, you can wear it every day!
Photos: ©️cozyknits
Everything about the knitting set
XS (S) M (L) XL (XXL)
Dimensions of the finished knitted piece
Chest circumference: 92 (100) 106 (110) 120 (130) cm
Length: 48 (52) 52 (52) 56 (56) cm
needed needles/buttons
2 circular knitting needles 4.0mm in length 100/120 cm
Circular knitting needle 5.0mm in length 80cm and 100/120cm
Needle play 4.0 mm
7 snap fasteners for sewing on, 28mm diameter
Stitch sample
15 stitches x 38 rows (19 patent rows) = 10 cm x 10 cm in patent pattern with needle 5.0mm after washing and stretching!
Danger! For the body, knit the rib pattern in rows and for the sleeves in the round. Make sure that both stitch samples are the same and match!
Difficulty level
intermediate to advanced
Amount of yarn
8 (9) 10 (12) 14 (16) balls of Double Sunday from Sandnes Garn together with
5 (5) 6 (7) 8 (9) balls of Tynn Silk Mohair from Sandnes Garn
Color combination:
Color Variations (Double Sunday with Tynn Silk Mohair):
kardamon 3821 together with light beige 3021
whipped cream 1012 together with natural 1012
almond 2511 together with almond 2511
dusty rouge 3553 together with stovet plommerosa 3553
Double Sunday from Sandnes Garn
100% wool
approx. 108m running length
along with
Tynn Silk Mohair from Sandnes Garn
57% mohair, 28% silk, 15% wool
approx. 212m running length
25g per ball
Type of instructions
The instructions (PDF, German) are not included in this package - you can order them directly from the designer via the link.
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