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Needle set Twist Red Lace - 10cm

Needle set Twist Red Lace - 10cm

Sale price230,60 €

Tax included. Versandkosten

Auf Lager: 05.12 bis 07.12 bei dir.
Schneller Versand mit DHL
Kostenlose Rücksendung (DE)


You really have everything you need here! The Twist Red Lace Set contains replaceable needle tips of 10cm length (for short needles) in the usual high quality made of stainless steel.

Included are the thicknesses 2.75 to 10.00 mm and three rope lengths to be able to produce needles of 40cm, 56cm and 76cm length. The ropes have no memory effect at all, so they don't twist. They are made of high-quality, multi-threaded stainless steel cables, which are covered with red nylon. So the very best quality.

The set also includes end stoppers and T-shaped needle wrenches with which you can tighten and loosen the needle tips. You also receive a set of stitch markers, rope connectors, a needle measure and a bag in which you can store everything.

What's particularly nice is that the needle sizes are labeled on the needle tip pockets in the bag. This makes it even easier for you to find the right needle size and you can see at a glance if something is missing.

With the Twist Red Lace needle set you have everything you need at your fingertips at all times. You can also take all the accessories with you in the beautiful cotton bag with many zippered compartments!

This set consists of:

  • 13 pairs of interchangeable needle tips in 10cm length: 2.75 + 3.25 + 3.5 + 3.75 + 4.0 + 4.5 + 5.0 + 5.5 + 6.0 + 6.5 + 8, 0 + 9.0 + 10.0mm
  • 3 needle ropes size L (for thicker needle tips): for total needle lengths of 40, 56 and 76
  • 3 needle ropes size S (for thinner needle tips): for total needle lengths of 40, 56 and 76 cm
  • 2 rope connectors (for shutting down knitted parts)
  • 2 rope keys
  • 4 end caps
  • different stitch markers
  • 1 needle gauge
  • 1 cotton canvas case with many compartments and zippers

Always be prepared for your new project with the extensive Twist Red Lace needle set from ChiaoGoo.

Data & Facts

Premium stainless steel

included in the set:

  • 13 pairs of interchangeable needle tips in 10cm length: 2.75 + 3.25 + 3.5 + 3.75 + 4.0 + 4.5 + 5.0 + 5.5 + 6.0 + 6.5 + 8, 0 + 9.0 + 10.0mm
  • 3 needle ropes size L (for thicker needle tips): for total needle lengths of 40, 56 and 76
  • 3 needle ropes size S (for thinner needle tips): for total needle lengths of 40, 56 and 76 cm
  • 2 rope connectors (for shutting down knitted parts)
  • 2 rope keys
  • 4 end caps
  • different stitch markers
  • 1 needle gauge
  • 1 cotton canvas case with many compartments and zippers

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