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Moby Sweater - Instructions
Moby Sweater - Instructions
- Moby Sweater
- gedrucktes Booklet
- deutsche Anleitung
(DE, EU abweichend)
Instructions for the Moby Sweater from PetiteKnit.
The Moby Sweater is knitted from top to bottom using two strands of Sandnes Double Sunday and Tynn Silk Mohair .
First knit a swatch to determine the correct needle size for you - note that this can vary from yarn to yarn.
Wash your swatch before measuring as the structural pattern can grow in the wash.
Size guide
The Moby Sweater should have some room for movement ( positive ease) of 15-20 cm in relation to your chest circumference.
Sizes 120-130 (130-140) 140-150cm.
The dimensions of the finished sweater can be found on the front of the instructions.
Before you actually start knitting, measure yourself to determine the size that fits you best.
If your chest circumference (or the widest part of your body) measures 90 cm, you should choose size S. A sweater in size. S has a chest circumference of 106 cm and in this case would have a range of motion ( positive ease ) of 16 cm.
Everything about the knitting instructions
XS (S) M (L) XL (XXL) 3XL (4XL) 5XL
Dimensions of the finished knitted piece
Chest circumference: 102 (106) 110 (118) 126 (134) 146 (154) 166 cm
Length: 57 (58) 60 (62) 63 (65) 66 (67) 68 cm (measured in the middle of the back)
needed needles
Circular knitting needle 4 mm (40, 60, 80 and/or 100 cm)
Circular knitting needle 3.5 mm (80 and/or 100 cm)
Circular knitting needle 3 mm (40 cm)
Needle set 4 and 3.5 mm
Cable needle
Stitch sample
20 stitches x 28 rows in structured pattern on needle 4 mm = 10 x 10 cm (after washing and stretching)
Difficulty level
Type of instructions
printed booklet, A5, German
550 (550-600) 600 (650) 700 (750) 800 (850) 900 g Double Sunday from Sandnes
along with
125-150 (150) 150 (175) 175 (175) 200 (200-225) 225g Tynn Silk Mohair from Sandnes
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