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Marseille Sweater
Marseille Sweater
(DE, EU abweichend)
Yarn package for the Marseille Sweater from PetiteKnit.
The maritime classic reinterpreted.
The Marseille Sweater will immediately make you dream of small fishing villages and the big, wide sea!
The sweater is knitted from top to bottom again.
First, the upper part of the back is worked in rows, while the shoulder slopes are shaped with shortened rows for the ideal fit.
The shoulders are then knitted separately with short rows on a circular needle before being gathered onto one needle for the front. The front and back are closed in the round and form the body, which is then knitted in the round on a circular needle.
The sleeves are knitted from picked up stitches around the armholes and are given a slant through shortened rows. They are made in the round on a circular knitting needle using double pointed needles or the Magic Loop technique. The neck cuff is knitted last from the picked up stitches, doubled and knitted on the inside.
The Marseille Sweater is knitted with stripes, the placement of which is described in the instructions.
When choosing the size, allow 25cm of freedom of movement compared to your chest circumference - the sweater has an oversize cut.
Size Guide
The Marseille Sweater should have a range of motion (positive ease) of approx. 25 cm in relation to your chest circumference. The cut is oversized. Sizes 120-130 (130-140) 140-150cm. The measurements of the finished sweater are on the front. Before you actually start knitting, measure yourself to determine the size that fits you best. If your chest circumference (or the widest part of your body) measures 90 cm, you should choose size S. A sweater in S has a chest circumference of 115 cm and in this case would have a positive ease of 25 cm.
Photos: ©️PetiteKnit
Everything about the yarn package
XS (S) M (L) XL (2XL) 3XL (4XL) 5XL
Dimensions of the finished knitted piece
Chest circumference: 100 (115) 120 (125) 135 (145) 155 (165) 175 cm
Length: 62 (64) 66 (67) 68 (70) 72 (72) 74 cm
needed needles
Circular knitting needle 4 mm (40, 60 and 80 and/or 100 cm)
Circular knitting needle 3 mm (40 cm)
Needle set 4mm
Stitch sample
21 stitches x 32 rows in stocking stitch on needle 4 mm = 10 x 10 cm after washing and stretching
Difficulty level
Amount of yarn
Main color: 11 (12) 12 (12) 13 (14) 16 (17) 18 balls of Double Sunday by PetiteKnit from Sandnesgarn together with
Stripe color: 2 (2) 3 (3) 3 (4) 4 (4) 4 balls of Double Sunday by PetiteKnit from Sandnes Garn
Color combinations:
Instruction color:
almond 2511 with sailor in the dark 5581
almond 2511 with poppy 4008
kardamon 3821 with sunday coffee 4081
Double Sunday by PetiteKnit from Sandnes Garn
50g/ball with 108m yardage
100% wool
Type of instructions
The instructions (printed booklet A5, German) are not included in this package - you can order them as well.
Mein Versprechen: richtig gute Garne!
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Wir treffen Designerinnen und Hersteller und nehmen nur Garne und Modelle in das Sortiment auf, die uns begeistern!
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