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Die Verpackungs- und Versandkosten betragen pauschal 4,90 €.
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Versand in die EU
Wir versenden ausschließlich per DHL.
Die Verpackungs- und Versandkosten betragen pauschal 9,90 €.
Ab einem Warenwert von 149 € erfolgt der Versand kostenfrei!
Für Rücksendeaufträge aus einem anderen Land als Deutschland trägst Du die unmittelbaren Rücksendekosten.
Österreich, Niederlande, Belgien: Lieferung in 2-5 Tagen.
Alle übrigen EU Länder: Lieferung in 3-8 Tagen.
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Die Frist für die Lieferung beginnt am Tag nach Vertragsschluss zu laufen und endet mit dem Ablauf des letzten Tages der Frist.
Fällt der letzte Tag der Frist auf einen Sonntag oder einen am Lieferort staatlich anerkannten allgemeinen Feiertag, so tritt an die Stelle eines solchen Tages der nächste Werktag.
Cheeky Merino Joy | wunderschön weiche Merino in unglaublichen Farben
Cheeky Merino Joy | wunderschön weiche Merino in unglaublichen Farben
(DE, EU abweichend)
Cheeky Merino Joy from Rosy Green Wool is a soft all-season yarn with a fantastic range of colors.
Only extrafine merino wool is spun for this yarn. This comes from Patagonia and is actually extremely fine with a fiber fineness of 19.5 microns.
Of course mulesing-free!
Cheeky Merino Joy is GOTS certified - so you can be sure that you are not only buying a beautiful yarn, but also a sustainable one.
You can find out more about GOTS certification here: Global Organic Textile Standard .
The yarn is spun just tightly enough that it is easy to knit and pills as little as possible. And it's machine washable too.
Why we love the Cheeky Merino Joy so much?
We love the versatility! We have a merino yarn made from 100% wool, completely natural and yet it is so easy to knit that it seems to work itself!
In addition, there is a needle size of 3-3.5mm with a length of 320m per 100g. This makes the Cheeky Merino Joy suitable for so many knitting projects: from sweaters to cardigans and accessories, you can knit almost anything with the Cheeky Merino Joy!
It's not too warm and not too cold, just perfect for every season.
The knitted pieces are very elastic and really comfortable to wear, which means you can also make baby and children's clothing with Cheeky Merino. Your little ones will thank you because the yarn is comfortable and pleasant directly on the skin.
What makes the Cheeky Merino Joy so sustainable?
Only extra-fine merino wool from Patagonia is used for this wonderful yarn - from controlled organic animal husbandry and guaranteed without painful mulesing and of course without chemical sheep baths or long transport routes.
Not only are you doing something good for yourself, but you can also be sure that the sheep that donate this great wool are doing really well.
Yarn facts
Yarn thickness
100g per ball
approx. 320m running length
100% wool
Recommended needle size
Stitch sample
24M x 34R = 10 x 10cm
Care instructions
Update from October 9th, 2023:
Color melange mulberry 262 added.
Color melange fire maple 263 added.
Color melange topaz 264 added.
Color melange rose quartz 265 added.
Color melange hazelnut 266 added.
Mein Versprechen: richtig gute Garne!
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