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Vario Creative Tool

Vario Creative Tool

Sale price90,00 €

Tax included. Versandkosten

Auf Lager: 13.10 bis 15.10 bei dir.
Schneller Versand mit DHL
Kostenlose Rücksendung (DE)


The Vario Creative Tool from Prym is really an all-rounder! It's unbelievable how much work it makes easier! You won't want to be without it at your handicraft workplace!

Decorate a pair of jeans with rivets, attach press studs to baby clothes or punch out holes for a hoodie cord and add eyelets - with the Vario Creative Tool, Prym's wide range of non-sew products can be processed easily and without any effort.

Equipped with an ergonomic handle and secure feet, it is super robust and stable and very comfortable to use!

The ability to fine-tune the power transmission enables fatigue-free, energy-saving and precise work, especially with otherwise uncontrollable work that you would otherwise do with the help of a hammer. With the Vario Tool you now have the opportunity to work super precisely.

It's that easy to punch a hole: Open the power lever, insert the punching tools and position the fabric. Then lower the power lever, position it and punch the material. Practical: Hole tools in different sizes are already included.

The Vario Creative Tool is also compatible with all existing Prym tool sets and consumer items from the Prym sew-free program - a convenient alternative to the Vario press stud, hole and eyelet pliers. The table attachment, available separately, provides additional stability. In addition, the Vario Creative Tool in the Ergonomics colors alabaster white, violet and lilac looks really good on the craft table.

Your Vario Creative Tool will accompany you for a long time!
Also a particularly nice gift! Perfects every handwork station!

The data & facts

plastic and metal

193mm x 59mm x 125mm

Punch holes
Attach snaps, eyelets, jeans buttons and rivets

  • Includes punching tools: 2.5, 3.0, 3.5 and 4.0 mm
  • Power lever with three levels for precise work with significantly less effort
  • Adjustment screw for fine adjustment and limitation of power transmission
  • Longitudinal and transverse dimensions for precise positioning and taking measurements
  • Optional table attachment (390 904) provides additional stability (not included, can be ordered separately)

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