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Versand in die EU
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Die Verpackungs- und Versandkosten betragen pauschal 9,90 €.
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Needle set addiClick Novel Lace Short
Needle set addiClick Novel Lace Short
(DE, EU abweichend)
The addiClick system is available here in a beautiful and very practical needle set with the Novel needle tips in lace with fine point and short, i.e. 90mm.
This comprehensive set contains:
- 8 pairs of needle tips in sizes 3.5mm to 8mm (length 90mm each)
- 5 needle ropes in lengths 40, 50, 60, 80 and 100cm
- 1 clutch for stitch stopping
- 1 addi brooch
Thanks to the slightly angular shape and the nubbed surface, you can knit particularly ergonomically with the addi Novel needles. The lace tips are particularly suitable for fine yarns. Here you have included the short tips, which are particularly suitable for smaller rounds such as sleeves or hats.
The nubs hold the stitches on the needle - at the same time the surface is as smooth as glass. This makes knitting really effortless.
The set allows you to easily change the needle size, you always have the right needle at hand and everything is neatly stored away!
The click system is particularly secure; nothing can come loose here. No additional tools are necessary; the needles can be connected and released again simply by turning and clicking.
The pretty textile case is also easy to take with you. There is a practical zippered compartment on the back for all the essential little things!
You will love it!
Data & Facts
Tip material:
Metal in Novel
Needle tips in the following thicknesses:
8 pairs of needle tips in 3.5 - 8mm
short 90mm long
Rope lengths:
40, 50, 60, 80 and 100cm
Suitable for:
Anyone who always wants to have the right needle at hand!
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